April 24-May 2, 2000


Blake's meet with a Deaf Ministry Committee at Abbotsford, B.C. to help plan future events

including the summer "Camp Meeting" for Deaf at Hope, B.C.


Alberta Blake signing with Robert Hartfeil of Chilliwack, B.C. , probably one of the oldest Deaf Christians in Canada. Webmaster, John Blake, remembers communicating with him with pencil and paper over 45 years ago at a religious convention at Hope, B.C. in the 1950's, when John was a boy. Robert became a consistent Christian back in 1939. Even though he rarely ever had anyone to sign for him, he read much and studied his Bible. Blake's had the privilege of taking Robert to one of the first Deaf Christian conventions he ever attended back in 1976. Robert was thrilled to meet other Christians who signed and also loved the Lord! He could watch sermons in his language, Sign Language! Hartfeil in May, 2000, is 90 years old and loves his Lord very much!


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