Tessie Cruz (left) with three of her children


"So much has happened to me, especially when I just lost my hearing.  Then I
lost my job.  I became mad at God -- asking God why this happened to me.  I
felt guilty that maybe I did something bad that I was being punished.  I
even ask God that I wanted to die.

But somehow, last year, we got into an accident where my car was totaled  -
however my daughter survived.  Although I was badly hurt and had to go to
hospital and have different surgeries (with more coming up),  the fact that
my daughter survived when she could have died in that accident, made me
realize that God was there and took care of us.

After that I started reading the Bible -- since there was nothing for me to
do while recuperating.  I started reading books about God and Jesus.  Now I
thank God for everything, the car accident, my hearing lost, even losing my
job -- because now I have time to know Him and I have learned a lot. Now I
know He loves me and that whatever happened to me is for my own good.

I feel like I have lost my hearing  -- so I could hear Him!

I lost my hearing due to cancer I had years ago.  I had nasopharyngeal
cancer and the doctor gave me 2 months to live, but I survived -- with God's
miracle.   I lost my hearing due to the radiation therapy.  My hearing loss
started gradually until 2 years ago, and now it's totally gone.

I'm 46 years old.  I do not sign yet, still trying to learn, and I bought
books on sign language.  I join the ALDA group -- so yes I do have some deaf
friends although I'm not very active because I still feel kind of out of
place since most of them are very good in sign language.

But I know God is there.  I would like to help start a deaf fellowship in my
own church because right now there is nothing for deaf there.  Do pray that
God will lead me to ways to know and help other deaf like me!"


NOTE- By John Blake, Webmaster:

 Tessie came to visit our web site, sent a response, and we began to email each other. What caught my attention was her statement "I feel like I have lost my hearing  -- so I could hear Him!"

  God sometimes grabs our attention in ways that we may not always like at the time!  Remember the story of how God got Paul's attention with the bright light as he was on the way to Damascus to kill Christians? In the end, Paul became one of the most read Christians in all history!

   The important thing is that God does get our attention, in whatever way He must, so that we can be saved for Eternity!  Sometimes God, in His love, has to use drastic ways to get our attention.  Other times, it is slowly and gently.  But, it is always with love! 

   May God bless you Tessie! 

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