Beth Dobson’s Testimony

Virginia, USA, May 9, 2000


I was reading a Christian book for an extended period of time when the late afternoon sunlight streamed through the living room window distracted my attention. I walked toward the living room window, and began thinking about how I became a Christian.

A deaf couple with three hearing impaired children had just moved right next door to my townhouse in Rochester, New York from Seattle, Washington in 1991. My impression of the family was rather bizarre because I actually thought they had abandoned the Amish’s traditional beliefs. It turned out that my judgment of them was inaccurate. They did not come from any Amish family. They were just plainly Christians! I am ashamed to confess that I sometimes used vulgar language and I also made inappropriate sexual comments to them. The family did not reprimand me in any way, but politely asked that I not make impolite comments in front of their children. Their gregarious and vivacious characters really impressed me. I learned later on that the father was actually a pastor, and I will never forget the day he asked me to have Bible study with him. I was insatiably thirsty for the truth, and bless the deaf pastor! He showed me lots of Bible verses that I was not aware of. He helped me learn to be closer to Christ. I am not sorry to be a Christian today! I now hate the idea of using obscene words especially making any sexual references to anyone!

It is really impossible for sinners to escape their sins on their own. Yes, their hearts are evil, and they cannot change them. However, Christ alone CAN make anything possible. I am sure you have heard the verse, "I can do anything that Christ instills in me." Christ knows the trials and tribulations that many Christians go through in their lives. Christ’s grace alone can attract anyone to God. What struck me the most was when the deaf pastor showed me the verse, "Except a man be born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3) This means that each man and woman must have a new heart, new desires, new purposes, and right motives in order to be associated with Christ in spirit. This verse really impacted me because I felt horrible for not depicting my true Christian character to the family in the first place. The family actually won me to Christ in the right way.

Remember Satan is the most iniquitous (unjust and wicked) person on earth. It is his nature to assail a Christian’s life because he knows his time is running out. He wants to prevail if at all possible, but the good news is that the Bible clearly points out that CHRIST and CHRISTIANS will ultimately win! Christ’s Second Coming is very imminent!


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