My Experience With Jesus

John Blake, Director, Canadian Deaf Ministries

God allowed me to be born into a strong Christian family. I had the privilege of going to Christian schools and three Christian Colleges in: Canada, England and the USA. God gave me a wonderful Christian wife, who has become my true lover and closest human friend.

My goal in life was to become a Pastor, and some day go as a 'missionary' to a foreign country. God worked with me to get to the first goal, but I believe He is working in an unusual way to get to the second. Why?

Back in 1968 a little girl, Judy, was born into our home. At the age of three months, Judy became deaf. Slowly, our lives began to change. My wife and I began to learn that there was another world we did not know, a 'Deaf World'. Three years later we took a little deaf boy, David, into our home to be a companion to our deaf girl. Slowly, we began to become acquinted with this new world as our two deaf children grew toward adulthood.

For a time we moved to work with 'The Christian Deaf Center" in Alpena, Arkansas. There our deaf children began to 'find themselves' as 'deaf individuals'. We began to live within the "World of the Deaf".

Later, we moved back to Canada, and our ministry has slowly developed toward the World of the Deaf. We have now also become involved in work for Deaf in India, a land of 19 million Deaf. So, without yet actually going to the 'mission field', the Lord has allowed us to become directly involved in helping support and promote Deaf Ministry out of North America.

Has God been working in my own life? I believe so. God is trying to teach me to trust, when the going is tough, or things get too busy and stressfull -- to learn to put things into His hands, and leave them there, instead of worrying about their success, and my own reputation!

Also, God is teaching me about the wonders He can do when when we pray for others, as well as the needs of our own life. I believe He is trying to teach me about the benefits of "Intercessory Prayer", when we pray specifically for the salvation and needs of individuals, and situations.

My personal goal is to live for Jesus, to be a channel of His love to others, so that they can see Jesus love demonstrated through my life, and want to come to know Jesus personally.

I believe Jesus is coming soon, for Hearing and for Deaf! He loves both Deaf and Hearing. He loves you and me enough that He came to die for each of us personally.

Jesus death on the Cross tells me........."I truly love you!"

That you includes every one of "YOU", too!

In His Love, John Blake

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